Personally I think it has reached cross-roads where it can either choose to kill-off characters and expand the plot or carry on along the road of characters seemingly dying but always returning. I am a big fan of the show (so much so that I don’t download it in chunks as I like to enjoy it every Wednesday night as ‘event’ television) but I do fear that it may just become a parody of itself and go down the same road of utter nonsense as Lost, a show which must surely be the most garbled, directionless tosh ever screened. With the ending of Volume 3 seeing Nathan Petrelli going ‘overground’ to the President of the US (who bears an uncanny resemblance to Barack Obama – did they shoot the scene with a John McCain lookalike too?) it is an opportunity to expand the horizons of the show. Since it started the characters and plotlines have always been very introspective, concentrating on the ‘heroes’ relationships with each other and the battles with the ‘villains’. This has served them well for the most part as it is their battle to save themselves and stop the manipulation of their powers that is the core of the programme – they ARE the story so it is right to concentrate on them. However I think now is the time to ramp it up to the next level – bring them into the open, kill off characters that have run their course and most of all be brave with the writing. I avoid spoilers as much as possible so I don’t know, maybe this is what is going to happen...I sure hope so.
One thing I do really believe should be done is to wave goodbye to Sylar. It remains a constant source of annoyance to me that a show that can attract actors of the calibre of Malcolm McDowall and Christopher Eccleston has Zachory Quinto as it’s main villain. During season 3 the

That said Heroes has been one of the television highlights of the year for me and I can’t wait for the start of Volume 4...may it be all that I hope for.
I’ll try and get the track-listing for the Winter Warmer up before Christmas Day but if I don’t, here’s to lots of merry-making and festive fun!
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